Capturing Rain Water


This week I attended a meeting put on by the DWP to outline to the community their plans for the new Stormwater Capture Master Plan.  My impression was that they have come a long way in recognizing the importance of capturing storm water and not just letting it all run out into the ocean.  But they still have a long way to go in order for southern California to be more self-sufficient and less dependent on imported water .

As designers and homeowners, however,  we can certainly do our part.  As homeowners, we can look at our own property and try to capture as much of the water that falls on our little slice of heaven as possible.

As designers, we should be looking at every landscape and implementing rain water capture in our designs.  APLD will be holding a series of programs this year, “The Sustainability Series”,  to learn more about irrigation, grey water and rain water capture.  There is always something new to learn…exciting, isn’t it???

2 thoughts on “Capturing Rain Water

  1. Francesca, As usual, thanks for taking the lead in sustainability, education, outreach and, of course, by creating gorgeous gardens. You are truly an inspiration to us all.

  2. Can’t imagine why we haven’t been doing this forever. I’d have the peach water tower in my yard at this point. In the city of Berkeley pro-active residents throw garbage on your lawn if it’s green.

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